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How Ping Service Will Work?

Bagaimana Cara Kerja Ping Service

Nowadays, many bloggers campaign to use ping service, even me also do that thing. But they have never wrote about how the ping service works? Honestly, I don't know how it works but I have experience that I have to tell you about ping service, or ping activity.

You can see above, the telephone pic. Overall, ping activity is just like you telephone the search engine or blog directories where your blog has been submitted, and tell them that your blog has been updated. Therefore, they will submit your new post to their directories.

But I have a case about it. I don't know it's really like that or just happened by chance, and I don't know where is the cause, whether on ping service or it happened in all ping activity, manually or by ping service.

I always submit my new articles immediately after I've finished them. I did that by ping service and manually ping like I told in my Previous post about how to ping yahoo! and Google manually. When I had just submit my new articles, I read my articles. Then I found a wrong sentence on my previous post (before the new one that I had just submitted).The wrong sentence is "Brian Mcknight Java Jazz 2009", it should be "Brian Mcknight on Java Jazz 2009".

I fixed the wrong sentence, and I ping it again. As you know, when you ping your blog, you will use the URL of your blog, not your new article (example : http://macimomi.blogspot.com ). But after a few days, I checked my post on Google, and I saw my wrong sentence hadn't been changed.

From that case, I've taken conclusion that Google may be only check our newest post, not all of our post on the blog. I don't know whether my opinion is true or not.

So how to make Google "catch" our updated old post?

I have an idea. Just go to "Edit Entry" menu ----> Entry option, and change the date of your old post to the current date (the date today), therefore your old blog which you wanted to be corrected will appear as the newest post on the top. then you ping your blog once again. When you've done, reset the date to the original date of your old post.

I hope it will be helpful for us.. ^^

1 komentar:

Zamahsari said...

thanks for your iformation, good luck

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